Who? |
Rodrigo Agerri |
1Olia Toporkov, Rodrigo Agerri (2024)In Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024).
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2Maxime Masson, Christian Sallaberry, Marie-Noelle Bessagnet, Annig Le Parc Lacayrelle, Philippe Roose, Rodrigo Agerri (2024)In Proceedings of the Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2024)
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3Rodrigo Agerri, Jeremy Barnes, Jaione Bengoetxea, Blanca Calvo Figueras, Joseba Fernandez de Landa, Iker García-Ferrero, Olia Toporkov, Irune Zubiaga (2024)In SEPLN-CEDI-PD 2024: Seminar of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing: Projects and System Demonstrations, June 19-20, 2024, A Coruña, Spain.
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4Rodrigo Agerri, Eneko Agirre, Gorka Azkune, Roberto Centeno, Anselmo Peñas, German Rigau, Álvaro Rodrigo, Aitor Soroa (2024)In SEPLN-CEDI-PD 2024: Seminar of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing: Projects and System Demonstrations, June 19-20, 2024, A Coruña, Spain.
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5Anar Yeginbergen, Rodrigo Agerri (2024)Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Nº. 73, págs. 296-312.
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6Maxime Masson, Philippe Roose, Christian Sallaberry, Marie-Noelle Bessagnet, Annig Le Parc Lacayrelle, Rodrigo Agerri (2024)Social Network Analysis and Mining, 14(1), pp.1-23
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7Cristian Cardellino, Theo Collias, Benjamin Molinet, Erwan Hain, Wei Sun, Rodrigo Agerri, Serena Villata, Elena Cabrio (2024)ECAI 2024 (demos)
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8Ekaterina Sviridova, Anar Yeginbergen, Ainara Estarrona, Elena Cabrio, Serena Villata, Rodrigo Agerri (2024)Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 18463-18475.
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9Blanca Calvo Figueras and Rodrigo Agerri (2024)
In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, pages 105–116, Miami, FL, USA. Association for Computational Linguistics.
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10Iñigo Alonso, Maite Oronoz, Rodrigo Agerri (2024)Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Volume 155, September 2024, 102938
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11Irune Zubiaga, Aitor Soroa, Rodrigo Agerri (2024)IberLEF 2024 - Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum, co-located with the Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing, SEPLN 2024, vol. 3756
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12Irune Zubiaga, Aitor Soroa, Rodrigo Agerri (2024)Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024, pages 9572–9585
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13Iakes Goenaga, Aitziber Atutxa, Koldo Gojenola, Maite Oronoz, Rodrigo Agerri (2024)Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Volume 157, November 2024, 102985
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14Anar Yeginbergen, Maite Oronoz, Rodrigo Agerri (2024)Proceedings of the 2024 Main Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024). August 11th to 16th, 2024. Bangkok, Thailand
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15Jaione Bengoetxea, Yi-Ling Chung, Marco Guerini, Rodrigo Agerri (2024)Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), pages 2132–2141
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16Iker García-Ferrero, Rodrigo Agerri, Aitziber Atutxa Salazar, Elena Cabrio, Iker de la Iglesia, Alberto Lavelli, Bernardo Magnini, Benjamin Molinet, Johana Ramirez-Romero, German Rigau, Jose Maria Villa-Gonzalez, Serena Villata, Andrea Zaninello (2024)Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
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17Oscar Sainz, Iker García-Ferrero, Rodrigo Agerri, Oier Lopez de Lacalle, German Rigau, Eneko Agirre (2024)The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations
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18Olia Toporkov, Rodrigo Agerri (2024)Computational Linguistics (MIT Press).
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19Joseba Fernandez de Landa, Rodrigo Agerri (2023)Joseba Fernandez de Landa, Rodrigo Agerri (2023). HiTZ-IXA at PoliticES 2023: Document and Sentence Level Text Representations for Demographic Characteristics and Political Ideology Detection. In Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2023) co-located with the Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023), Jaén, Spain, September 2023.
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20Rodrigo Agerri, Iñigo Alonso, Aitziber Atutxa, Ander Berrondo, Ainara Estarrona, Iker Garcia-Ferrero, Iakes Goenaga, Koldo Gojenola, Maite Oronoz, Igor Perez-Tejedor, German Rigau and Anar Yeginbergenova (2023)Rodrigo Agerri, Iñigo Alonso, Aitziber Atutxa, Ander Berrondo, Ainara Estarrona, Iker Garcia-Ferrero, Iakes Goenaga, Koldo Gojenola, Maite Oronoz, Igor Perez-Tejedor, German Rigau and Anar Yeginbergenova (2023). HiTZ@Antidote: Argumentation-driven Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Digital Medicine. In SEPLN 2023: 39th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing.
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21Roberto Centeno, Rodrigo Agerri (2023)Roberto Centeno and Rodrigo Agerri (2023). Overview of NLP-MisInfo 2023: Workshop on NLP applied to Misinformation. In Proceedings of the Workshop on NLP applied to Misinformation, co-located with the 39th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023).
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22Kuzman, Taja ; Ljubešić, Nikola ; Erjavec, Tomaž ; Kopp, Matyáš ; Ogrodniczuk, Maciej ; Osenova, Petya ; Rayson, Paul ; Vidler, John ; Agerri, Rodrigo ; Agirrezabal, Manex ; Agnoloni, Tommaso ; Aires, José ; Albini, Monica ; Alkorta, Jon ; Antiba-Cartazo, Iván ; Arrieta, Ekain ; Barcala, Mario ; Bardanca, Daniel ; Barkarson, Starkaður ; Bartolini, Roberto ; Battistoni, Roberto ; Bel, Nuria ; Bonet Ramos, Maria del Mar ; Calzada Pérez, María ; Cardoso, Aida ; Çöltekin, Çağrı ; Coole, Matthew ; Darģis, Rober (2023)Slovenian language resource repository CLARIN.SI
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23Begoña Altuna, Rodrigo Agerri, Lidia Salas-Espejo, José Javier Saiz, Roberto Zanoli, Manuela Speranza, Bernardo Magnini, Alberto Lavelli, Goutham Karunakaran (2023)Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Revista nº 71, 313-320, septiembre de 2023.10.26342/2023-71-24
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24Iker García, Rodrigo Agerri, German Rigau (2023)Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023
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25R. Agerri, E. Agirre, I. Aldabe, N. Aranberri, J.M. Arriola, A. Atutxa, G. Azkune, J.A. Campos, A. Casillas, A. Estarrona, A. Farwell, I. Goenaga, J. Goikoetxea, K. Gojenola, I. Hernáez, M. Iruskieta, G. Labaka, O. Lopez de Lacalle, E. Navas, M. Oronoz, A. Otegi, A. Pérez, O. Perez de Viñaspre, G. Rigau, A. Salaberria, J. Sanchez, I. Saratxaga, A. Soroa (2023)In: Rehm, G., Way, A. (eds) European Language Equality. Cognitive Technologies. Springer, Cham.
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26Masson, M., Roose, P., Sallaberry, C., Agerri, R., Bessagnet, MN., Lacayrelle, A.L.P (2023)In: Crémilleux, B., Hess, S., Nijssen, S. (eds) Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XXI. IDA 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13876. Springer, Cham.
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27Gorka Urbizu, Iñaki San Vicente, Xabier Saralegi, Rodrigo Agerri, Aitor Soroa (2023)Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023
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28Rodrigo Agerri, Eneko Agirre (2023)Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (70), pp 157-170
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29Nayla Escribano, German Rigau, Rodrigo Agerri (2023)
Nayla Escribano, German Rigau, Rodrigo Agerri,
A modular approach for multilingual timex detection and normalization using deep learning and grammar-based methods,
Knowledge-Based Systems,
Volume 273,
ISSN 0950-7051,
Abstract: Detecting and normalizing temporal expressions is an essential step for many NLP tasks. While a variety of methods have been proposed for detection, best normalization approaches rely on hand-crafted rules. Furthermore, most of them have been designed only for English. In this paper we present a modular multilingual temporal processing system combining a fine-tuned Masked Language Model for detection, and a grammar-based normalizer. We experiment in Spanish and English and compare with HeidelTime, the state-of-the-art in multilingual temporal processing. We obtain best results in gold timex normalization, timex detection and type recognition, and competitive performance in the combined TempEval-3 relaxed value metric. A detailed error analysis shows that detecting only those timexes for which it is feasible to provide a normalization is highly beneficial in this last metric. This raises the question of which is the best strategy for timex processing, namely, leaving undetected those timexes for which is not easy to provide normalization rules or aiming for high coverage.
Keywords: Temporal processing; Multilingualism; Sequence labeling; Grammar-based approaches; Deep learning; Natural language processing
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30Nayla Escribano, Jon Ander González, Julen Orbegozo-Terradillos, Ainara Larrondo-Ureta, Simón Peña-Fernández, Olatz Pérez-de-Viñaspre, Rodrigo Agerri (2022)Nayla Escribano, Jon Ander González, Julen Orbegozo-Terradillos, Ainara Larrondo-Ureta, Simón Peña-Fernández, Olatz Pérez-de-Viñaspre, Rodrigo Agerri (2022). Euskararen erabilera Eusko Legebiltzarreko debateetan (2012-2020). In Mediatika, 19, 163-178.
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31Blanca Calvo Figueras, Montse Cuadros, Rodrigo Agerri (2022)In Proceedings of the Fifth Fact Extraction and VERification Workshop (FEVER), pages 37–48, Dublin, Ireland. Association for Computational Linguistics
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32Jeremy Barnes, Laura Oberlaender, Enrica Troiano, Andrey Kutuzov, Jan Buchmann, Rodrigo Agerri, Lilja Øvrelid, Erik Velldal (2022)In SemEval 2022
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33Gorka Urbizu, Iñaki San Vicente, Xabier Saralegi, Rodrigo Agerri and Aitor Soroa (2022)LREC 2022
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34Maxime Masson, Christian Sallaberry, Rodrigo Agerri, Marie-Noelle Bessagnet, Philippe Roose, Annig Le Parc Lacayrelle (2022)In: Chbeir, R., Huang, H., Silvestri, F., Manolopoulos, Y., Zhang, Y. (eds) Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2022. WISE 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13724. Springer, Cham.
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35Iker Garcia-Ferrero, Rodrigo Agerri, German Rigau (2022)Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022
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36Elisa Sanchez-Bayona, Rodrigo Agerri (2022)Doctoral Symposium on Natural Language Processing from the network 2022 (RED2018-102418-T), 21-23 September 2022, A Coruña, Spain.
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37Elisa Sanchez-Bayona, Rodrigo Agerri (2022)Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL), pages 228--240, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Association for Computational Linguistics.
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38Mikel Artetxe, Itziar Aldabe, Rodrigo Agerri, Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre, Aitor Soroa (2022)Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 7383–7390.
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39Nayla Escribano, Jon Ander González, Julen Orbegozo-Terradillos, Ainara Larrondo-Ureta, Simón Peña-Fernández, Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre, Rodrigo Agerri (2022)
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, pages 3382–3390, Marseille, France. European Language Resources Association.
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40Yi-Ling Chung, Marco Guerini, Rodrigo Agerri (2021)Proceedings of Argument Mining 2021
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41Iker García-Ferrero, Rodrigo Agerri, German Rigau (2021)Proceedings of the Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021
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42Rodrigo Agerri, Roberto Centeno, María Espinosa, Joseba Fernández de Landa, Álvaro Rodrigo (2021)VaxxStance@IberLEF 2021: Overview of the Task on Going Beyond Text in Cross-Lingual Stance DetectionProcesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 67, pp 173-181
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43Joseba Fernandez de Landa, Rodrigo Agerri (2021)Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, pp 1-15, Routledge, 2021.
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44Joseba Fernandez de Landa, Rodrigo Agerri (2021)Ekaia
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45Elena Zotova, Rodrigo Agerri, German Rigau (2021)Expert Systems with Applications, 170 (2021).
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46Ainhoa Serna, Aitor Soroa, Rodrigo Agerri (2021)Sustainability 13, no. 4: 2397.
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47María Espinosa, Rodrigo Agerri, Roberto Centeno, Alvaro Rodrigo (2020)Proceedings of the Seventh Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian (EVALITA 2020). Winners of the SardiStance@Evalita 2020 shared task
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48Rodrigo Agerri, German Rigau (2020)In Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2020). Winner of the CAPITEL@IberLEF task on Spanish NER.
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49Elena Zotova, Rodrigo Agerri, Manuel Nuñez and German Rigau (2020)Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020)
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50Rodrigo Agerri, German Rigau (2020)International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)
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51Rodrigo Agerri, Iñaki San Vicente, Jon Ander Campos, Ander Barrena, Xabier Saralegi, Aitor Soroa, Eneko Agirre (2020)Proceedings of LREC. Also available at arxiv
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52Joseba Fernandez de Landa, Rodrigo Agerri, Iñaki Alegria (2019)III. Ikergazte. Nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz. Kongresuko artikulu bilduma. Gizarte Zientziak eta Zuzenbidea. 2, pp. 83 - 90
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53Rodrigo Agerri (2019)SemEval@NAACL-HLT 2019: 944-948
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54Joseba Fernandez de Landa, Rodrigo Agerri, Iñaki Alegria (2019)MDPI: Information: Vol. 10, 6. 212. doi: 10.3390/info10060212
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55Rodrigo Agerri, German Rigau (2019)Artificial Intelligence, 268 (2019) 85-95
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56Rodrigo Agerri, German Rigau (2018)Proceedings of the Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2018), Diann Track, Sevilla, Spain.
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57Rodrigo Agerri, Núria Bel, German Rigau, Horacio Saggion (2018)Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 61, 163-166.
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58Rodrigo Agerri, Xavier Gómez, German Rigau, Miguel Anxo Solla (2018)Proceedings of the 11th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018), pages 2322-2325; 7-12 May, 2018, Miyazaki, Japan.
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59Rodrigo Agerri, Yiling Chung, Itziar Aldabe, Nora Aranberri, Gorka Labaka, German Rigau (2018)In Proceedings of the 11th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018), 7-12 May, 2018, Miyazaki, Japan.
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60Noelia Migueles-Abraira, Rodrigo Agerri and Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza (2018)Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan. Editor: Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference chair) and Khalid Choukri and Christopher Cieri and Thierry Declerck and Sara Goggi and Koiti Hasida and Hitoshi Isahara and Bente Maegaard and Joseph Mariani and Hélène Mazo and Asuncion Moreno and Jan Odijk and Stelios Piperidis and Takenobu Tokunaga. Publisher: European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
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61Egoitz Laparra, Rodrigo Agerri, Itziar Aldabe, German Rigau (2017)Knowledge-Based Systems, 133, 77-89
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62Rodrigo Agerri, German Rigau (2017)Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17), 4965-4970, Melbourne, Australia
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63Rodrigo Agerri, German Rigau (2017)Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval 2017)
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64Rodrigo Agerri, Itziar Aldabe, Nora Aranberri, Yiling Chung, Gorka Labaka, German Rigau (2017)Proceedings of TUNER at SEPLN 2017
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65Rodrigo Agerri, Aitzol Astigarraga, Iñaki Alegria, Itziar Cortes, Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza, Igor Leturia, Kepa Sarasola (2017)META-Forum 2017. Brussels, November 13/14
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66Agerri A., Aldabe I., Laparra E., Rigau G., Fokkens A., Huijgen P., van Erp M., Izquierdo R., Vossen P., Minard A. and Magnini B. (2016)Workshop on Cross-Platform Text Mining and Natural Language Processing Interoperability at the 10th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC’16). Pages: 42-46. Portorož, Slovenia. 2016.
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67Piek Vossen, Rodrigo Agerri, Itziar Aldabe, Agata Cybulska, Marieke van Erp, Antske Fokkens, Egoitz Laparra, Anne-Lyse Minard, Alessio Palmero Aprosio, German Rigau, Marco Rospocher, Roxane Segers (2016)Knowledge-Based Systems, 110 (2016), 60-85.
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68Rodrigo Agerri, German Rigau (2016)Artificial Intelligence, 238 (2016) pages 63-82.
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69San Vicente I., Saralegi X., Agerri R. (2015)
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015), Denver, USA, pp. 748-752
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70Rodrigo Agerri, Xabier Artola, Zuhaitz Beloki, German Rigau, Aitor Soroa (2015)
Knowledge-Based Systems. Vol.79, pages 36-42.
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71Rodrigo Agerri, Eneko Agirre, Itziar Aldabe, Begoña Altuna, Zuhaitz Beloki, Egoitz Laparra, Maddalen Lopez de Lacalle, German Rigau, Aitor Soroa, Ruben Urizar (2014)
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 53: 155-158.
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72Iñaki San Vicente, Rodrigo Agerri, German Rigau (2014)
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2014), pages 88-97, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 26-30 2014.ISBN:9781632663962
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73Isa Maks, Rubén Izquierdo, Francesca Frontini, Rodrigo Agerri, Piek Vossen, Andoni Azpeitia (2014)
LREC 2014: 1155-1161
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74Rodrigo Agerri, Josu Bermudez, German Rigau (2014)
EACL 2014: 5-8. ISBN:9781632663962
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75Rodrigo Agerri, Josu Bermudez, German Rigau (2014)
LREC 2014: 3823-3828. ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4
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76Rodrigo Agerri, Montse Cuadros, Sean Gaines, German Rigau (2013)
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 51: 215-218
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77Volha Petukhova, Rodrigo Agerri, Mark Fishel, Sergio Penkale, Arantza del Pozo, Mirjam Sepesy Maucec, Andy Way, Panayota Georgakopoulou, Martin Volk (2012)
LREC 2012: 21-28
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