Testuen analisia

Tools for the analysis of parliamentary discourses: polarization, subjectivity and affectivity in the post-truth era

Proiektu honen helburua hizkuntza-teknologiako sistema bat garatzea da. Beste era batean esanda, politikariek euren diskurtsoak ematen dituzten erakunde publikoekin zerikusia duten erregistro publikoak prozesatzea, aztertzea eta interpretatzea. Tresna eraginkor bat garatuko da gure parlamentuen adierazten diren diskurtsoak hobeto ulertzeko, egungo polarizazioa, subjektibotasuna eta afektibitatea aztertu ondoren.

Morfeus+: Word Parsing in Basque beyond Morphological Segmentation

This work describes the formalization of a word structure grammar that represents the complex morphological and morphosyntactic information embedded within the word forms of an agglutinative language (Basque), giving a comprehensive linguistic description of the main morphological phenomena, such as affixation, derivation, and composition, and also taking into account the modeling of both standard and non standard words. We have identified the relevant issues to be addressed in the representation of such a grammar.


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